21 December 2010

My Mother Son

Note : Mum will be very proud if she know how to read this posting of mine Laughing out loud

About my Mother : Mum have high blood pressure.. weak kidney… knee pain etc. This mean she need to take various type of tablets in daily basic. She was famous for making her own decision on what type medicine to take and the amount of tablets to put down into her stomach instead of follow the prescription given by her doctors. A few times she had to put into ER due to mystery illness which eventually found out she over dose or the other way.

Now, time to talk about her son. The son that she should be very proud of because this son inherited her DNA almost 99.9% Nyah-Nyah

On outlook, this son of her look as gorgeous as her. Good gene !! Smile with tongue out

On physical, this son as tough as her. Will not cry or shout or beg for attention even deeply in shit !! Be right back

On taking medicine… also like to be self thought doctor instead of read instruction on the box. Disappointed smile

Having flu + cough since Saturday. Grounded at home for 2 days and taken below STRONG tablets but the flu never really go away.  


Was in Chemist (Pharmacy) on Mon afternoon. Told the chemist there I need a damn STRONG tablets to cure my flu. Again, the chemist at both outlets recommended to me above brand. Told them this brand useless cause I being taking on last 2 days. They looked puzzle and told me this is the best option so far. Than oh… the guy from 2nd outlet asked me => How many tablets you take and how often ???

My mother Son replied => 1 tablets each time and twice a day.

The Chemist politely feedback => You need to take 2 tablets every 6 hours once.

Alamak ! Salah intake. No wonder nose still flow like water tap after so many days.

So Who to blame ?? hehehe.. can I point the arrow to my Mum ?

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