19 November 2010

On Green Apple

My favourite fruit is Green Apple…. YES GREEN !!

I bought green apple in weekly basic…. and I reliased there are various type of Green Apple in shell…. the type I stick to nowaday is Granny Smith type. They are sweet and crunchy.

Yesterday I brought 2 packs (consist of 11pcs each pack) below shown photo home from the supermarket adjunction to my new apartment Surprised smile

2010-11-16 18.43.38

Allo…. 2 packs or more than 20pcs !!! Crazy ah ?! No need money kar ???

Seriously… almost no need money lor…. the price for above pack is AUD 1 each Smile with tongue out

No kidding… DIRT Cheap !!! Normal price is AUS 3 each… what a awesome buy !  However.. this also mean I eat about 2 apple a day now…. grrrr !!!

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