04 November 2010

Gap-Toothed Model

I did mentioned not to repeat another posting on the-gap lady but I have make an exception today because I reliased that is a special term used for this kind of super hot chic Be right back

Yesterday afternoon edition free paper front cover was printed with the picture of this Gap-Toothed girl. My attention immediately go directly to the gap…. than I read the small printing….

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So she is the offspring of the ever famous Rolling Stone lead singer, Mick Jagger.  When I read the writeup, the word GAP-TOOTHED pop out on the page…. nah….. I am not kidding… really got such a term.

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By the way, this famous Gap-Toothed girl name is Georgia May Jagger.

Thinking of make appointment with my dentist to knock a gap on my front teeth too….. maybe after get a gap there I could secure a contact with CK too Nyah-Nyah

1 comment:

Bianca Jackson said...

She's stunning! She's my favorite gap-toothed model, hehe. I think it's probably because she's the daughter of Mick, who happens to be my dad's fave artist. I kinda compare us to them… you know, the whole father-daughter relationship thing. :D