28 December 2011

My Ikan Bilis Tales

Reliased I have a package of 1kg raw ikan bilis (dried anchovies) in my cabinet few days ago. Brought over from Bolehland during my June trip and never touch it till now.

2011-12-27 19.06.54

When I turned over the package, I saw fine powder formed at the bottom…. ooop… not a good sign,,,, this mean the product started to turn old. Must used it or have to dispose it soon.

Mum formula cooking anchovies is deep fried in lot of oil than applied some sugar on top. Mrs Tee way of cooking anchovies is shimmer with hot chillis. Both methods will result thick salty smell in the room the next 24 – 48 hrs. A big no no to me.

Time to look for advise… and my victim was my ever smart sister.

Sent her above photo with short few lines…. HOW to cook the ikan bilis beside deep fried in oil ?

Expected to have a reply like => How I know !!

Surprisingly, she typed back => Put inside oven and bake it !!

Hello… sure can or not ? but people already give suggestion… must try lor…. so there I go…… after 25 – 30mins….. after my room was cover in a thick salty smell…. I opened the over door and saw smoke emitted from the anchovies….. I think can consume by now.

Nah… here is the finish goods photo…. 

2011-12-28 18.09.26

Look a bit plain right ? I think so but wait till you bite it…… Ai Yoh… no joke joke oh… as crispy as nasi lemak ikan bilis….. and NO Oil is the big advantage.

Now I plan for my 2nd attempt, this time will mixed the anchovies with some fine sugar (of cause the idea from my smart sister again lar) Maybe in future can open a factory to produce it mass volume but who buy ah ? Ang Mor hate this salty smell right ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha. really gd idea. i always love electric oven!! heathly eating & no grease & smell all over.

Another way to is boil them as your soup base for bee hoon, noodles or mee suah meal..can also use as soup base for a yummy soup of carrots,sweet corn, big onion & chicken drumstick. Its definitely healthier choice than using maggi cubes. sui