04 April 2012

Six Sigma

Heard of 6 Sigma many years ago and always wonder what is this regarding ? Briefly know that it related to management in organisation but the lazy me never pick up a book on 6 Sigma to find out more… until yesterday when I someone leave it at street side (Aussie way of tidy up their house is recycle unwanted stuffs by leave it at street side for peoples with interest to pick up)

2012-04-03 11.48.57

Now I have this Sigma book at my place and I have less excuse to say I Don’t What it is… but I am not going to start reading it now…. need the right time and right mood to flip the first page… Oh ya… According to Wikipedia (the 1st few lines)

Six Sigma is a business management strategy, originally developed by Motorola, USA in 1986


Anonymous said...

u r lucki to pick up good & looks new book. if u digest it, i say u gd, cos all words words words... eyes closed liao. hehe. sui

Wacky Speaks! said...

very useful! Im a greenbelt!

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