25 October 2011

Amazon – Sooo Excited !!!

 Old man here soooooo EXCITED because he just placed an online purchased with Amazon.com


Started my research 2hrs ago at ebay.com… the criteria of my searching are :

Bluetooth, headset, Stereo, MP3…. A branded set cost $100+ and a China/HongKong source… $20-30

mmmmm….. can’t make up my mind which one to pick until I came across Samsung model…… this one price between my range and it guarantee can get radio reception. GOOD ! I Want…. but ebay listed at $100++

Out of curiosity, I went into Amazon.com for a check… ehhh….. $50+ for US delivery…. wonder how much it cost me for overseas shipment…. but decided to give it a go…. Not much at the end. Less than $60 in total.

NOW… time to wait for my parcel….. 7-14 days from now…… Smile with tongue out

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