12 December 2010

Tram Tracker

Not say I want to champion KoalaLand system but sometime they really have application that so useful till I have nothing bad to say on it.

Take this Tram Tracker technology for example. In order to find out the schedule of next available tram (not at the terminal oh… I referring to any roadside tram stop) public transport user have the option to SMS, iPhone APP or call the service line for the timing.

The uncle from mountain here discovered another new way to get the latest tram schedule early this week. Let me show you the photo 1st ! Just kidding


Yes… for not so trendy old man like me who do not have iPhone… we still can get the tram schedule by go online… of cos only techy old man like me who got smartphone can enjoy this privilege lar Be right back

The fantastic part about this application is it respond immediately and the timing advise really accurate (thru my last few test)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wah..so good service...it saves alot of time...use yr time wisely! Sui