26 December 2010

Boxing Day Outing

Boxing Day, definition from online search result :

The first week day after Christmas, a legal holiday on which
Christmas boxes are given to postmen, errand boys, employees,
etc. The night of this day is boxing night

Boxing Day is a big day on sales calendar in KoalaLand. Department stores and electronics outlet will stack up all their remain stocks from Xmas market and try to unload them on the day after Xmas

Was anticipated to hunt for a good deal on this day since 1 wk ago. However, I have not behave as crazy as those shoppers I saw on evening news where they Q up outsider department store after midnight with the purpose to grab the good deal at 5am in the morning (yes… no kidding… some outlet opened at 5am in the morning of Boxing Day)

Spent 2-3 hours in city centre and scanning for good buy on a few outlets. End up only grabbed few pieces of shirt which I need for CNY on Feb. Is a good deal but too many peoples at every corners. Long Q at cashier etc kind of uncomfortable Sleepy smile

Put aside mad sales event… time for photo photo…

Some one put this big statue at the main shopping street in the city… wonder why ?

2010-12-26 14.59.362010-12-26 14.59.41

Do you know why I put up TWO photos at above ? If you look properly… the head of this lady was in different position between the photos…

Anyone of you get fool by this artist ? Peoples donate money to this artist by drop coins a the small collection plate at the floor.

Oh ya… just one week ago…. he was in the costume of Santa at same spot…. I never get tire of his art work…  Laughing out loud

2010-12-12 15.30.54

Mr T had made a statement about the career of this artist…. mmmmm… what is the sentence ah ? Maybe he should put it in words at the comment… .very funny. Like it ! Just kidding


Anonymous said...

i dun knw how to describe his Santa clothes! Like filled up with harden snow until wrinkled form. Anybody donate?? U do? Sui

Ah Tom said...

i do not have the habit to give money away.. petty as usual. but local here very kind... any time u can see ppl gv money to those needed on the street...