17 November 2010

Introduce to my new apartment

This is the apartment where I sleep for last 5 nights. hehehehe…. I moved to new unit closer to my work place since last Friday.

2010-10-28 13.33.20

No more 10 storeys tall building… this one just 3 floors. It is a studio apartment with cleaner carpet and better cooking accessories. Below photo shown you 90% of the space of my unit. Facing afternoon sun so I enjoy sunlight till late evening. Energy saving mah.

2010-11-09 15.42.07

Cannot show you the photo of my room in current status….. all my stuffs stack up as high as Himalaya… wonder by when than I will be able to sort them out Green with envy


mummy-t said...

boleh visit u ka???

Anonymous said...

ooh...that's a better kitchen, for sure...u dun hv to cook in the toilet. hehehe.

BTW, the rental higher right?

It's good to stay nearer to workplace. Save tspt & time. Walk to work? Sui

Anonymous said...

ya... no more toilet party.
Rental slightly more than previous place..
yes walk to work .. slowly slowly prepare myself till LATE on last Friday...