10 November 2010

Experience Vietnamese

Last Sunday we (I mean me & the Gangster T la) had a awesome outing at a Vietnamese restaurant. My plan for this meeting was like that… called them & tease tease them to come to city center… they said lunch lar and asked me to pick a place.

My answer was NO Problem… I POW !!! So when the family arrived…. nah… here come the proposal… let’s drive to a street where got lot of Vietnamese stay and business there and we lucky draw a restaurant to party.

Upon arrived… alamak… a street of shops leh… which one to pick ?? Disappointed smile

Than we came to a very easy solution…. pick the outlet which have lot of ppl…

And this was my serve…. rice noodle chicken soup….. Laughing out loud

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Yummy oh… think about it now…. saliva started to flow again…

As for my buddies… they go for the outlet special dishes… This plate was something like fried prawn… big big prawn .. sweet sweet and hot hot….

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Another unique dish was like pancake egg….. look at the size of the dish… nah… Mr T pretend want to show the size of the pancake but actually he want to take opportunity to appear on my blog… Vampire bat

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Our conclusion for this visit was GOOD Deal…. the foods don’t taste like those Asian restaurants I used to visit…. so I think good lor… Punch


mummy-t said...

hehehe...bila nak pergi again?

Ray said...

Ya ya...luckily got pretty auntie help us with the dish.....

Anonymous said...

Hanoi came into yr mind is it? Sui
I had Vietnamese meal y/day.New outlet near office. Sui

Frangipan said...

Oh gosh! I had vietnamese food for the first time in China recently. It was amazing and I have my eye on a restaurant here which might satisfy my memory!