08 November 2010

Bak Chang


I got these bunch of Bak Chang from a very special lady on Sunday afternoon……

2010-11-07 18.02.21

She specially made this for me wan oh… even her very loving husband don’t know she spent so much time on getting this dumpling done because she know i like like it ( Macam betul saja …. chey ! )

TWO of it already down my stomach on Sunday evening as dinner…. mmm… cannot praise her dumpling good good because if she know the qualify is good… than she will stop doing it….. hehehe… okay only… still need improvement…  I would like to suggest to her to make another batch next week ! kakakakaka….


Anonymous said...

then its super dangerous for u to eat them. Her hubby dun even know it & i presume he didnt eat any of them TOO! Sui

Anonymous said...

hehehehe... see any body complain or not lor...