23 October 2010

Roof Top BBQ

Friday was asked by my neighbour to join them at roof top for BBQ…… mmmmm…… according to them, this was the first one for this year (they used to did it regularly in the past)

By 7pm…. few of us already up there & chat….

2010-10-22 19.09.30

Mutton, sausage, salad, chips and 2 cartons of beer… there we go….. when the meat were ready for consume… strange… not many people do anything… because basically they just want to hangout and drink beer…. and one girl even a vegetarian smile_sad

2010-10-22 19.28.09

So what happened thru out the BBQ… lot of talking which I only understand half since it is their local humour and they talked to fast for me to catch up. 

2010-10-22 19.09.38

The stupid me picked a lamp chop and bite… after half portion gone down my throat than I realised got SMELL… oop… not a beef leh…. too late… have to carry on… cannot just waste the food in front of local mah… lucky it taste good smile_regular

Next was the picture of a happening roof top bar a few block away… look at the crowd….

2010-10-22 19.09.18

Koalaland ppl love to enjoy hard at the weekend….

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