30 October 2010

Ladies with Hat

This is Horse Racing week for Melbourne. Today they have Derby Cup and than follow by the biggest event of the year… Melbourne Cup on coming Tuesday. This is a yearly big event for the city and it is a public holiday for the state. Send a kiss yeah…. no need to work !!!

So… Horse Racing = Gamble = Man World right ?

The true fact is not…. ladies are as actively involved as man on these week.

For weeks before this weekend… TV and newspaper were full with reports on how the woman here get themself ready for these day.

The woman using this racing event as their fashion week too. Dressing nice nice sexy sexy is for sure BUT the TOP TOP Priority is to have something pin up on their head. YES…. a unique HAT or special design accessories must be up there.

I managed to grab a photo of 2 ladies on the street just now…. 

2010-10-30 10.10.30

Alright.. these 2 were mature ladies… so they just had Queen E kind of hats on top…. wait till you see those hot chics…. extreme short skirt with odd shape flowers… feathers…. what ever… and parade on the street (while heading to the race course)

Thought weather forecast already hint out today would be terrible cold day + heavy rain on afternoon… these group of ladies and gentleman still brave themself to be at the racing…. maybe this is the way to show off and tell the world they still alive ? Another reason should be place to pick up more useful contact kua ?

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