21 September 2011

BOER War (1899 – 1902)

This is a photo I took from a war memorial few weeks ago when visiting a regional city. I known the history of all the wars engraved on the big stone except BOER WAR…. anyone of you know where and why this war happened ?

2011-09-02 14.22.58

The 1st few lines from Wikimedia search result :

The Boer Wars were two wars fought between the British Empire and the two independent Boer republics, the Orange Free State and the South African Republic.

Of cause there were lot of detail write up on these wars (actually there are Boer War 1 and War 2), just Google for it to read the rest if you got interest. As for KoalaLand involvement, soldiers were sent to South Africa to help up in the fight…. for peace… for the greatest of the world.

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