11 May 2011

Shower Hail

About 1pm today, I was busy on the street (under wet weather) and suddenly rain heavily. Just as the old man me started to nag why rain at that moment than I reliased that it was not rain water but formation of pellets/balls in ice form. OMG… I lost control of myself and scream out loud… HAIL !

Of cos my urge to share with others on this phenomena made me withdrawn my Galaxy (forget it was wet and may damage my precious) and began to snap snap snap Be right back

2011-05-11 13.04.55

I remember clearly that I was so excited than and let out a crazy screamed before I reliased I am on the open street Embarrassed smile

2011-05-11 13.07.49

The hail I encounter today was a nice one (more than 1 yr ago Melbourne had encounter a stone size hail which damaged lot of property) They were so tiny and pure like a pearl. I used my thumb to squeeze it and they never shout or bite me Nyah-Nyah

The entire shower last less than 5 mins. Just as I started to settle down with this new experience and begin to move on with my task than I reliased I got another new knowledge to learn….. the surrounding area suddenly turn cold… I mean damn cold… I guess this was the effect of the hail…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! great experience ya. SUi